Friday, August 13, 2010

I shouldn't be allowed to watch films on television.

So I've got a short rant today. As some of you may know, there was a special on IFC last night that featured Saw, The Devil's Reject's, Hostel, and Hostel Part Two. No kidding, all in a row, on T.V. And it's not even Halloween yet! Does is ever really get to you that society seems to think we should put away all things horror until that commercialized, consumerist holiday comes around? Don't get me wrong, I love Halloween, but I think it's become yet another way to trick us into thinking material possessions equal happiness. Alright, but that's kind of beside the point. What I'm getting at is that they are changing everything about these films so they're shorter for television, and appropriate for those young ones. And when "The Devil's Rejects" happens to have a record for dropping more f-bombs than any other single film, I was not a very happy girl with the extreme censorship. Hearing "Motherfather" every other word was excruciating, and the fact that they cut out almost a full half hour of the film really got me going. So I wondered to myself, with popcorn in lap and cold drink in hand "Why the hell didn't I just pop in my copy?" I guess it was more fun to catch these movies on late night television, three out of four of them being some of my favorites (with the exception of Hostel Part Two, because I was to exhausted to watch a really shitty sequel.) Nonetheless, the point is that it kills me to see these films being cut for T.V. and I think next time I see one of those late night specials, I'm gonna opt for the DVD instead. Un-Cut and Unrated please.

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